LEX AI and Hashthink Technologies partnership on further development and globalisation of an AI Legal Tech platform

● Accelerating the development of specialised AI tools for legal experts, lawyers and regulatory specialists in companies and law firms ● Data integration and AI expansion launched for legal system in the USA and Canada ● Comprehensive integrated news, research and knowledge management offering with optimal support for the work…
AI safety Hashthink

U.S. AI Safety Institute Signs an Agreement With Anthropic and OpenAI Regarding AI Safety Research, Testing and Evaluation

GAITHERSBURG, Md. — The U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute, part of the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), announced today that it has entered into agreements with Anthropic and OpenAI to formally collaborate on AI safety research, testing, and evaluation.These Memoranda of Understanding will allow the…
searchgpt openai

SearchGPT: OpenAI Announces Its New AI Search Engine

OpenAI has caught us by surprise and is launching SearchGPT, an innovative AI-powered search engine poised to compete with Google Search. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of the GPT-4 model family, SearchGPT promises to revolutionize the way users access information on the web by providing real-time summaries and relevant links. What…
artificial intelligence types

Types of Artificial Intelligence That You Should Know in 2024

Types of Artificial Intelligence? AI can be widely categorized into several types based on capabilities, functionalities, and technologies. Here's an overview of the different types of AI:1. Based on CapabilitiesNarrow AI (Weak AI)This type of AI is designed to perform a narrow task (e.g., facial recognition, internet searches, or driving a…
AI disruption

Top Industries AI Is Disrupting right now

AI is revolutionising a wide array of industries, transforming the way they operate and deliver value. Here are the top seven industries being significantly impacted by AI:Healthcare:AI applications in diagnostics, predictive analytics, personalized treatment plans, and drug discovery are enhancing patient care and operational efficiency. For example, AI algorithms analyze…
Hashthink AI podcast: AI impacts

Hashthink Technology Podcast: AI impacts on Startups: ROI, investments and valuations

Hashthink Podcast: AI Impacts on Startup EcosystemToday, We had an interesting conversation with Sadra Shokouhi (AI and Technology expert from Hashthink Technologies), Carl Kirchhoff (AI and technology advisor, investor and serial entrepreneur) and Cedric Torossian (Co-founder of ValueSquared) joining us in a short conversation scratching the surface of AI impacts…
