Artificial Intelligence

We help businesses adopt AI to automate sales, processes and jobs/tasks to achieve efficiency, velocity and higher performance

#AI #ChatGPT #Llama2 #RAG #NLP #ML #RPA


Our Key AI Services & Specialties

LLMs (ChatGPT, Llama2) & SLM Integration

Utilise our expertise to create AI-enabled technologies to automate processes and create outstanding products such as bots, summarising tools, content generations and many more
#VectorAI #ChatGPT #Llama2 #ML

Sentiment and Scraping tools

Training AI models and implementing NLP algorithms into applications efficiency and outcomes. Analysing content Sentiments (Supervised & unsupervised). AI-crawlers to automate data capturing, cleaning, NLP-processing and scoring. #Crawlers #Sentiment #weights #AIcontentReading

AI Task Automation for businesses

Use AI bots to automate your business tasks and actions on your behalf running 24/7 for both performance and velocity appreciation #AiAgent #AITaskManager


Training AI models and implementing NLP algorithms (sentiment, voice and text analysis) into applications efficiency and outcomes.
