AI score & parse CVs in seconds

✔️ Parses resume data into your fields
✔️ Scores a resume against a Job description
✔️ Explains the results in human language.
✔️ 10 + Languages supported
✔️ OCR-enabled with PDFs, Word documents
✔️ As low as $0.09/resume

resume AI
Recruitment and Staffing companies

Increase efficiency and speed of your hiring process using Hashthink's CV analyser tool

Why Hashthink Parser?

AI is revolutionising Recruitment industry

Hashthink AI parser enables your documents (whether in recuirtment or not) to be NLP-understood, analsed and categorized for specific purposes.
Automate scoring a resume against a Job Description
Auto parser and categorisze unstructured resumes info and generate AI comments on the relevancy
Automate updating your recruitment CRM with scores
OCR feature: reading any kind of word or PDF file is enabled
